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Transitioning with Excellence​


Industry: Healthcare

Revenue: Over $90 billion

Country: United States

The Scenario

To grow in a rapidly-changing healthcare market, the client made a major strategic shift that required closing an entire division.  Their goal was to retain and remobilize as much talent as possible while supporting a speedy and successful transition to new roles outside the organization for those who wished to leave.  The implementation of the strategy changed continuously throughout the engagement, creating the need for a partner who could be flexible, responsive, creative and highly communicative.

The Solution

Right Management provided a tailored solution that used a “both/and” approach to allow for maximum flexibility in the uptake of career-supporting services.   This required partnership with the organization’s in-house Career Services team as well as the design of a detailed playbook that was used for communication, training and guidance of both the client’s and Right Management’s delivery teams.   The solution included the delivery of a series of webinars to prepare the candidates for internal remobilization as well as standard Outplacement programs.


The Outcome

  • Candidates landed their next job 2x faster than the BLS average
  • Candidate job search confidence increased 40% post-program
  • Candidates reported very high satisfaction with 98.5% reporting being satisfied or very satisfied with their experience
  • Client net benefit of using Right Management’s services​ was $11M​


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