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Facing a RIF, layoff or reorganization? Many HR and business leaders share your concerns about ensuring a smooth transition for exiting employees and minimizing the impact on their organization.

It's why we launched a new, informative 5-part email course “Real Lives, Real Transitions” to help leaders like you learn strategies for leading transitions with a human-centered approach.

5 days. 5 emails. 5 high-value topics including:

  • Part 1: Leadership Life Lessons from Life Changing Reorganizations
  • Part 2: Five Key Considerations to Ensure You Navigate Change With Care
  • Part 3: Navigating Your Organization Through Change
  • Part 4: The Power of Coaching to Change Lives
  • Part 5: Nurturing Human Connections in a Digital Age

Gain the tools, best practices and expert guidance you need to support exiting and retained employees with compassion during challenging transitions.

Sign-Up Now

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